In the opening of Booh and Babbott in "
The Haunted House of Dracula," we will come across a young Romani woman who is calling upon the Guardian Watchers for help. She talks to them from a sacred place and she is one of the children, so the Guardian Watchers decide to help her.
When one calls upon the Guardian Watchers for help, there are two things that the caller must always remember; one, they work within their own sense of help, which can be more than mysterious; two, they have an odd sense of humour and when they provide help, they can be a bit impish.

The Haunted House of Dracula" should be seen as a Noir story with tongue firmly planted in cheek. I am hoping to reach a younger audience while I also appeal to an adult audience also. I hope to draw the younger audience into stories that take complex problems and provide an entertaining story which exposes a message without being preachy. I hope to appeal to an older audience with humour and enough sophistication enwrapped with colorful illustrations to entertain them.

With every good Noir story, we need a Femme Fatale, but in this case, just who is she, and what is her agenda. Lara Calleja has provided me with the character I was looking for.
While the typical Femme Fatale is blonde, cool, married, and hales from the right side of the tracks, Sarafina is dark, red-headed, fiery, and a member of a special Romani Clan. Her story: She has inherited a mansion from an uncle who moved to Los Angeles from Romania. She has been warned not to take possession even though there is a hidden treasure there. She decides to seek out help from a private detective agency.
Both she and the men she meets are in for a surprise. She is not entirely all she seems. But that's okay because neither are the two she meets. The Guardian Watchers are gathering around, grabbing the popcorn, and sitting down to see what they have wrought.

Booh and Babbot are gentlemen cleaners working in a private detectives office. While cleaning they come across a manual on how to be a private detective. Then they come across a machine for making business cards.
Bartholomew Hardgrove
Jonathan Babbot
Detectives at Large
Meet Sarafina, she is Romani, gifted in many ways, and when she meets Booh and Babbot, well you'll just have to wait and see.
There Is More To Come...